Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby Mikayla

Words can't describe how much I love this family!!! It was such a joy to have the opportunity to photograph their sweet little newest addition to the family. She was a little sleeping beauty during most of the shoot (which is amazing in itself)  lol  We had a lot of laughs and tons of snuggle time! I am so excited to watch her grow, watch her adore her big brother James, watch her wrap daddies big fingers around her pinky, and almost most of her show her mommy how amazing her mommy is. Congrats guys!!! Hope you enjoy! We all love you!!!! Will see you soon for round 2 :)

BTW...I wouldn't recommend watching it full screen. the images look awful. I haven't been able to fix it  yet but I'm guessing my files sizes are a bit too large.I would suggest watching it on You Tube by clicking the icon but even then I wouldn't go past the 3 square :)  LOOKS WAY better in person!! :) xoxo